Otsego Tax Services

Tax Preparer based in Rochester NY

Otsego Tax Services is an Income Tax Preparation and Services company. The company assists individual, family and business customers of all types with preparation and filing of their tax returns. In business since 1993, Otsego Tax Services prepares and files all federal and state forms and returns, and specializes in New York State Taxes.

Individual, Family and Business Tax Returns


Tax Preparer Edgewater FL

Making Taxes Easy

Keep your personal or business tax paperwork organized with Otsego Tax and Payroll’s “Red Folder.”

Tax Documents Checklist

From your income to your medical bills and charitable contribubtions, Otsego Tax Services will help you with the comprehensive Tax Documents Checklist.

Available to Everyone

Though Otsego Tax Services is located in Rochester NY, they have clients all over the US.

What Our Clients are saying

Bob has been doing my taxes for about 25 years. Throughout those years life has certainly changed, from babies to college students, to empty nesting. As my life has changed so have my tax needs. Add to the mix the fact that I am a minster which comes with its own tax issues. Through all the changes Bob has been there. Each year we sign our returns with the confidence that they are done right. Looking to have your tax returns done in a professional and competent manner? Look no further then Otsego Tax Services.

Steve in Milford, NY

Bob has been preparing both my personal and business taxes for years. Allways a great job.

Frank Treacy

Even though Bob moved from upstate NY to Florida, his expert tax services continue just as professionally, efficiently, and smoothly as ever! He is very well-informed, extremely helpful, and his tax preparation fees are very reasonable. We hope that he will be doing taxes for many years to come.

Cynthia and Bill

Bob did a great job for me. 2018 was the first year he did my taxes and I will use him next year. His fees are low, he is fast and efficient. He's pleasant and professional. You can't go wrong using Otsego Tax Services. I am happy that my friend Linda gave me his name. Thanks, Bob for a great job

Camille Vickers


tax returns



Earned Income Credit

Retirement Savings Contribution Credit


tax returns

1040 Schedule C

Profit & Loss Statements

S-Corps, LLC

Quarterly Tax Returns